Tamil actress Bhavana was born Karthika Menon on June the 6th, 1986. The Indian film actress has starred in many Tamil movies making her one of the most sought after actresses in India today. Winner of 2 Kerala State Film Awards, Bhavana debuted in the Malayalam film entitled Nammal opposite Renuka Menon, Jishnu, and Siddharth. The movie was well-received by the Indian audience and her performance was so compelling that she got several Malayalam offers after that. Nammal was released in the year 2002 and was a blockbuster hit known for one of its sound tracks Sukamanee Nilavu.
After the success of Nammal, she starred as leading man's sister in the 2003 Malayalam film Chronic Bachelor –a story of a man who vowed to be a bachelor forever. On that same year, Bhavana had a special appearance in the film Thilakkam. She played the role of Gauri. After Thilakkam came C.I.D. Moosa where she played the role of Meena. The movie was followed by Ivar, Swapnakoodu, Valathottu Thirinjal Nalamathe Veedu, Parayam, and Chathikkatha Chanthu. By 2004, the beautiful Tamil actress starred in Youth Festival as Parvathy. It was followed by Runway, Amrutham, Bunglavil Outha, Udayananu Tharam, Hridayathi Sookshikkan, and Police.
After the success of Nammal, she starred as leading man's sister in the 2003 Malayalam film Chronic Bachelor –a story of a man who vowed to be a bachelor forever. On that same year, Bhavana had a special appearance in the film Thilakkam. She played the role of Gauri. After Thilakkam came C.I.D. Moosa where she played the role of Meena. The movie was followed by Ivar, Swapnakoodu, Valathottu Thirinjal Nalamathe Veedu, Parayam, and Chathikkatha Chanthu. By 2004, the beautiful Tamil actress starred in Youth Festival as Parvathy. It was followed by Runway, Amrutham, Bunglavil Outha, Udayananu Tharam, Hridayathi Sookshikkan, and Police.
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