The audio of film Drohi was released in a unique fashion on August 11, 2010 in Chennai. Sony Music has bagged the audio rights of the film. Actor Vishnu, actresses Poorna and Poonam Bajwa were among those present on the occasion. Drohi is a Tamil Drama film directed by Sudha Kongara and produced by Gemini Films. Vishnu, Srikkanth, Poorna, Poonam Bajwa, Pooja Umashankar and Thyagarajan are the star-cast of the film. In Drohi, Srikanth played the role of a slum dweller. Srikanth believes that this film would be a milestone in his career and will add mileage to his flagging career.
On the occasion, The director of the film Sudha Kongara said, Drohi was started as a small project on a low budget but producer spared no effort to make sure our needs were met. As a result, the budget kept getting bigger and bigger."
On the occasion, The director of the film Sudha Kongara said, Drohi was started as a small project on a low budget but producer spared no effort to make sure our needs were met. As a result, the budget kept getting bigger and bigger."
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